Two of the most ofetn asked questions in the blogging world are “how to I start a blog” and “how do I get people to read it”.
The latter is one question I would like to experiment with.
This site has been ticking over since the beginning of last December. As an eperiment, I would like to see if I can improve its performance from the point of view of visitors and ranking.
Determining a site’s popularity is not easy. Some people go by the number of visitors within a time period [say, a week or a month] while others go by page views. Another method is by ranking.
There are three generally accepted ranking figures – Technorati, Google and Alexa.
Measuring visitors to a site is not easy. On the Head Rambles site, I currently use Ice Rocket, Google Analytics, Woopra and raw log files. These all give wildly different figures for the same period, so effectively, I ignore them and use them for trending purposes only.
Ranking is a different matter.
I have just registered this site with Technorati, and it apparently has a ranking of 13. This is roughly what I would expect for a relatively new and unexciting site. Head Rambles used to have a ranking in excess of 200, but this has dropped off dramatically as the figures are recycled and existing links are discounted and only new links are measured. Head Rambles currently stands at 93.
Google Ranking is deemed to be important if you are interested in search engine ranking. Personally, I have not found this to be the case, as Head Rambles consistently shoots to the top of Google within minutes of a post being published. Head Rambles used to have a ranking of 5 with Google, which was excellent. However that dropped to 3, presumably when they discovered I was advertising with a non-Google affiliate? Ranking for this site is currently 4, which I think is pretty good.
Alexa ranking is a strange one. It is widely used as a benchmark for advertising sales, yet is notoriously difficult to predict as it seems to result from counting the number of visits from people who have the Alexa plug-in installed on their browser. If this is the case [and Alexa is not that popular as a plug-in] then it is an extremely bad method of quantifying a site’s value. However, this is the metric chosen by the industry, and who am I to argue?
The Alexa ranking for this site is currently 1,627,533 and it will be interesting to see if I can improve on this figure.
Over the next while, I am going to try various techniques to improve the traffic to this site. I will of course write about my efforts, and post the corresponding rise or fall in traffic.
It would indeed be nice if I could get this site’s Alexa ranking up close to that of Head Rambles which is currently at 195,510.
We shall see?