For my birthday a couple of weeks ago, my daughter gave me a Nintendo DSi.
I was delighted. Maybe she thought I was entering second childhood, or maybe she was being very pointed in including a program to increase my brainpower, but nevertheless, I am having great fun with it.
I tend to be a messer at heart. When I get a new toy, I try just about everything, just to see what I can do with it.
I soon found I could connect to the Internet, but that seemed to be rather limited, in that I could upload photographs to Facebook, but that was about it.
Then, on another messing trip, I hooked into the Nintendo software download area, and lo and behold – there was an Opera browser.
It is remarkably simple to operate. I have visited quite a few sites, with no problems. However, I then tried to write a post using the DS. That’s where my problems began.
As the DS doesn’t have a keyboard, an on screen keyboard appears if ever a text field in encountered. It’s slightly slower than typing, but not much. The main problem though is that it doesn’t seem to recognise Textareas on a web page, which means that I can log into my sites, enter my username and password, enter the title of my post, but then I come up against a blank wall.
It would be a lot lighter to lug around than a laptop!