
How do Alexa rank sites? — 10 Comments

  1. I think Alexa works like an opinion pollster with a sample it assumes to be representative of the wider population. An opinion poll needs only to include a couple of people from a minority group, who may be completely unrepresentative of the wider population, to give a picture of that group being of far more significance. So if The Other Fellow had someone who was part of Alexa’s sample who checked his blog every day, then his ratings would rise.

  2. If that is the case, then we have to assume that within the 50% increase in traffic, not one was using the Alexa toolbar. That would be odd?

  3. It would be odd, but possible – how many Alexa users are there? It’s like opinion polls, how many times have you been asked how you were going to vote? I’ve never ever been contacted by a pollster

    I think you should put up a blank page and advise the users of the Alexa Toolbar you know to visit each day to seen how far it would climb.

  4. I have an Alexa rating of 264,000 and Google Analytics gives me 1,784 visits in the last month – about 50 a day. I am entirely convinced that the Alexa rating arises from a friend in England who visits the site every day, frequently comments and uses the Alexa Toolbar.

  5. If Alexa ranking can be determined by only one or two regular visitors, then it’s hardly a good yardstick? You are rapidly catching up on Head Rambles!!

  6. In the past three months, I have cut my Alexa rating by one-half – from 487,000 to 243,000 – and it has not attracted a single extra advertisement 🙁

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