Typing backwards
Lately, I have been experiencing a very strange problem.
I can be quite fast on the keyboard, and I tend not to look at the screen while typing. So I bang a couple of sentences into the comment fields of my site, and then look at the screen only to find my entire effort there only in reverse.
.sdrawkcab era noitautcnup gnidulcni ,sdrow eht llA
Just out of interest, I did a search on Google and found that I am not alone.
Various theories are put forward, with most suggesting a virus. I can understand that as it is a typical manifestation of some of the older viruses (viri?). No. It’s not a virus.
Others have suggested an operation system, but it appears on several systems by all accounts.
Quite a few have suggested the keyboard which is obviously not the case.
The one common thread seems to be Firefox.
I have checked though quite a few inane suggestions, some misguided ones and quite a few who just suggest closing and reopening Firefox. The only reply that seems to make any sense is that it’s a Java problem?
My Java is as up to date as it can be, so I am a tad suspicious of this, but it remains the only plausible explanation.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Very bizarre. Haven’t come across similar myself but I presume you have seen this:
In any case, go to Windows control panel and open the Java control panel. Click on the ‘Java’ tab and make sure that both ‘Runtime Options’ only have one entry selected (pick anyone but make sure it is the same for both). Just like this screenshot:
Might be a long shot but it could rule out a java conflict.
Thanks for that, Robert. Unfortunately, it is a very difficult thing to replicate. Anyhow, I checked my runtime options, and sure enough, bith were checked. All I can do now is wait and see……..
Hah! Update to the above – I was typing a comment, when I realised the first word had appeared with each letter on a new line, reading vertically upwards, thus –
Work that one out!!
I always knew you were backward.
Interesting prublem boot nut oone-a thet I’fe-a ifer eecuoontered elthuoogh it dues seem thet oozeers hefe-a dooe-a tu hefeeng sume-a surt ooff Jefa epplet roonneeng et zee seme-a time-a.
I du seem tu hefe-a unuzeer rundum prublem thet crups up frum time-a tu time-a. mekes me-a suoond leeke-a zee Svedeesh Cheff. Bork Bork Bork!
Und I furgut tu check thet demn check box egeeen!
Haha . . well one practical joke that I’ve played a number of times is turning someone’s desktop upside down. Alt Ctrl Arrow will flip yer screen . . hours of work time fun! I’ve never had the backwards typing and I use Firefox all the time. Let me know when you solve it, another practical joke in the making muwahahahaha!