
Time trials — 4 Comments

  1. What an amazing coincidence you should post about this subject as I just posted about the same thing 2 days ago. Same two OSs no less.
    Great minds think alike as they say?

  2. Five days ago actually.  It’s funny but I had a vague idea that what I was writing was familiar.  It just goes to prove how bad the memory is these days?  😉

  3. One thing I always find a bit weird about this type of test is that it has an initial condition of having a turned-off machine, as if that’s happening a few times a day and needs to be optimised.

    My own laptop is rarely ever turned off (during the day, I work on it, and at night, it works away on its own, scraping or calculating) .

    For me, initial startup of applications themselves is more important, and in those cases, I think there is probably little difference between Linux or Windows.

    Of course, then there is the question… how long is it possible to leave a Windows machine turned on if you are actively using it, before it insists it needs to restart because of required updates?

  4. This indeed true Kae, but I suppose the reason a cold start is used as a metric is that it is so simple to define as a period in time.  It is far harder to measure such things as “the slowing down” of an operating system as the day progresses.  Similarly how do you quantify the several updates that may appear during the day in Windows?  In Linux, the latter is simple – the time it takes to enter a password, but in Windows it invariably involves a lot extra, even when run as a background process.

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