Premature eblogulation
So the old miser has mentioned me on his site?
He is in a huff now, and says he is going to do his own typing from now on. He’s welcome.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t quite prepared for the inrush of visitors, so there were a couple of things missing or broken on the site.
The most important of these was the Feed Icon, which was missing. Dave kindly pointed this out, and I had to do quite a search to find one. The one I found is a little broken, but it will do for now.
I still have a lot of tweaking to do to the site, and I haven’t quite familiarised myself with it yet. I haven’t had much chance what with important work getting in the way, and dodging Himself and his foul humour.
If there is anything else you think this site may need, just drop me a comment.
Hey Richard, great new site. Loving the antique looks. I expect all the dirt on GD. Best of luck with the new project.
Yea, I’ll tell ya’ what you’re missing. Grandad!!
You know me and my advice so…
On the RSS icon…if you’re using a text widget to add the icon then try adding paragraph tags before and after the script(?). This will get you the extra space above and below the icon which will most likely fix the “broken” graphics.
You might “burn” your feed also and then do the above the same way.
Could we please have the Subscribe to Comments plugin? Some of us are old(er) and absentminded (especially me). 😛
Lot’s of visitors? “Super Cache” it then! Latest version works well with WP 2.7.
Okay, that’s enough. I’m sure you’re going to be working on links, other plugins and stuff like that as soon as you and “the old miser” can come to an accord.
Jack: Many thanks 🙂
Brianf: Like a hole in the head……
Kirk M: I have a lot of little tweaks to do yet. It’s a matter of getting around to them.
Subscribe to Comments added…. 🙂
I’ve transferred my arse here as recommended by another site for a peek. What happens next?
I like the Spaghetti [Hoop] Western interface I must say. Any Mexicans? Tequila?
came over from bock’s place, sugar..nice to meet y’all! 😉 xox
Shoop: Prop yourself up in a corner and wait for a passing burrito?
Savannah: Welcome! You will find this place a little less bloodthirsty than Bock’s?
Shouldn’t Grandad have the antique look, being the antique?
Glad to see the notify plug-in put to use here now.. I try not to revisit comment threads because, you know, I sort of have a life.
But not really.
I just like to pretend I do.
..a tip for people who can’t find a feed icon in the future.. if you use Firefox, there is a “subscribe to this page” option up on the toolbar under the bookmark option.. it does the same thing.
So if Grandad knows another fellow who starts another blog and HE forgets it at first, use that, like I did.
I’m the arty one, RhodesTer. He’s the scruffy one.
I have a few more plugins to install yet, but I’m glad to see you are using this one 😉
I AM! See? I got a little email notifier that you’d replied, and your comment was right in the email. I clicked over to enter this reply.
Hey, nice pic. He doesn’t look a thing like Grandad so you all must not be in the least bit related.
very nice, sugar! i think i’ll add you to my reader (i do so love firefox!)
RSS feed doesn’t work for me here – I’ll try from Firefox when I get home.
That’s strange? It works for me… 😐
they usually work for me too – I haven’t tried from work before – none of the systems work the same – I should get Keiron in to sort it maybe?????