Work imbalance
I had a chat with a friend this morning.
He lives 8,000 miles away, and I have never met him in person, but we chat, and occasionally link up using video, so that’s the next best thing.
He has recently been made redundant and is now desperately seeking work. On the other hand, here am I doing my best to avoid it.
When I left college back in the late 60s, I hadn’t a clue what was to come next. I picked up the phone directory, selected six companies more or less at random, and I wrote to them.
The first company to reply gave me an interview straight away, and I got the job. A week later, another of the six replied, so I did an interview there too. I got that, so I got myself sacked from the first company after two weeks, and started in the next on the following Monday at double the salary.
I stayed with them for a couple of years and then applied for a job in RTE. I got that so moved in there.
I was with RTE for the best part of thirty years.
I did manage to get myself sacked there too, when I called the boss a fucking wanker and a total waste of space. I was reinstated half an hour later by his manager who agreed that he was a fucking wanker and a total waste of space.
I left RTE in 2001 and started my own business, which did very well. The only problem now is that I’m getting too old for that game and would like to get out of it. I want to retire properly, and take up writing or something. But the business is harder to kill that I expected.
So here I am, doing my best to get out of work, and I get talking to someone who is looking for work. Unfortunately he is in a different field of work or else I would gladly pass on my clients.
I have never know unemployment. I never will know it now. I have been lucky.
I wish there was something I could do for my friend though.
Poor bastard.. I hope he finds something soon.
Obviously, you need to win the lottery so that you can hire him as your personal finances manager. Or groomsman, or valet. Something.
This is a DAMN pretty website, Gra— um, er Mr. Richard. Lovely!
RhodesTer: I do too.
Susan: It would be amazing if I won the lottery. (I don’t do it!). What is with the “Gra-um”?
Surely you could hire him as some kind of personal assistant type thing? Perhaps you could have him do your typing, in the same way that you to Grandad’s?
It’s rough out there, alright! I play the lottery. Never won it though! 🙂
Hi Richard,
How nice to meet you at last!
I have had a hell of a year employment wise – I had to leave my job of 21 years and take a £10,000 year drop just to save my sanity.
I don’t envy anyone looking for work now – it’s hell out there!
I see the Lottery as a realistic financial possibility actually, somebody has to win it and one day, that person will be me. Everything else is just passing time really.
Darren: That would be awkward? I do Grandad’s and he does mine? Does Grandad do his?
JD – If you had never played, think of all the money you’d have? It would be like winning the lottery!
Kate: Nice to meet you too. Sanity is much more important than money. I’m living on a fraction of what I used to earn and I’m much happier!
Sexy: Statistically, you will win the lottery. The only problem is that you have to live for a couple of million years.
Whew, thank heavens. I was beginning to feel very beside myself you know. Since I’ve already introduced myself previously I’ll just leave it at that.
Wish I could help you out with your problem. I find it ironic to the extreme that my massive technical background and my current physical condition, simply don’t mix up well at the moment, damn and blast it all.
Anyway, glad you finally broke free of the cellar and hope you find the right individual to take your work off your hands.
Kirk M – I know what you mean abiyt the technical experience not mixing with the physical condition!
I have someone in mind. The only major problem is that my clients have an unreasonable sense of loyalty.
And they should too I’d imagine. Are you particularly surprised about this?
Kirk M – The way I treat them? Yes!
RTE. 30 years! Did you escape having to join the Knights and/or the Stickies?
Conan: I pleaded insanity (it wasn’t hard). I also claimed my uncle was the Director General. They always fell for that one even after five DGs.