Having successfully worked with Linux for a while and having grown to like a lot of its features, I decided to take the next step.
Up until now, I had been running Mint in a Virtual File within Windows. I decided it was time to give it its own partition and to do a proper install.
I started off last night by resizing and moving my NTFS partitions. This went without a hitch and I ended up with a nice fat 60Gb of free space on the hard disk.
This morning, I ran another full backup and then started work. The first job was to install Linux in the new partition.
Everything came unstuck.
Linux recognised the drive of course, but failed to see the free space. It insisted I had a 350Gb partition and that my only option was to format it. It completely failed to see the two existing NTFS partitions.
I tried several times, but ran into the same problems, no matter what way I tried to do the install.
I decided to cut my losses. I resized one of the NTFS partitions to fill the vacant space and then went to install Mint in a virtual file again, only this time I would make the file 60Gb instead of the 20Gb I had been using.
Again all went well, and it asked me to reboot to finish the installation.
Immediately I got an error – “No primary partition found”.
Once more I went into the install/uninstall routine, trying out varios settings, all to no avail. This was particularly tedious as the uninstal;l had to be run each time, otherwise I would just have added a new entry each time to the boot-loader.
In the end, I gave up. I didn’t bother with the uninstall, so I was left with the virtual file and the boot loader. Using Windows, I then restored my backup of the LinuxMint folder that I had made earlier.
I’m delighted to say that this worked. I still had to restore a lot of files within Linux, but it is now 99% up and running.
So I have wasted about eight hours and am more or less back to where I was yesterday. Some minor things still aren’t working, but I can live with that.
My only fear now is that my re-partitioning of the hard drive went amok somewhere, causing faulty volume labels or something.
One of these days, I am going to have to do a total manufacturer’s system restore.