Weaver Extreme Info Bar Spacing
I am a great fan of Weaver Extreme and its almost limitless variables and customisations.
One problem that irritated me though was the Info Bar, and in particular the Breadcrumbs.
Example 1 => Home→Books→Short Story Collections→Blackjack
To my eye, that looks cramped. I needed a space each side of the arrows. I tried a load of things such as trying CSS, searching forums and anywhere else I could think of. No one else seemed to have the same problem.
Eventually I resorted to the sledgehammer approach: I changed the coding within Weaver. I don’t like doing that as it has to be redone in the event of an update.
The file is “themes/weaver-xtreme/includes/lib-runtime.php”.
The line to be changed ( search for ‘weaverx_breadcrumb’ ) is
$delimiter = apply_filters('weaverx_breadcrumb_delimiter', '→'); //' » ';
In fact a fix is almost in place there as there a commented alternative. Either insert a space each side of ‘& rarr’ or use the alternative supplied. I chose the alternative.
Example 2 => Home » Books » Short Story Collections » Blackjack
I’m happy with that.
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